Meet the FFF Team
Tina Stevenson
Owner & Lead Instructor
My oldest child has a photographic memory. He can read something one time and never forget it. School comes relatively easy for him. My middle child uses digital flashcards to study. She leans into memorization to succeed academically. My youngest child learns best by combining traditional learning with hands-on learning. She learns best through games and puzzles. What’s my point? All children, even those from the same family, learn through different methods. Traditional classrooms rely on textbooks-at FFF, we use a combination of project based/inquiry/discovery learning to put the FUN back into learning. Fall in love with learning before learning becomes “hard.” I tell the students every day that everyone is a “math person” and everyone can love to read (if you don’t love reading you haven’t found the right book).
After spending years in the wedding and publishing business, I followed my true passion and purchased FFF almost six years ago from the original creator, Ms. Terrie Johnson. I spend my days and summer surrounded by kids who inspire me to be the best teacher I can be. I search high and low to create lesson plans that will appeal to all learners. I’ve driven to Oklahoma just to purchase new math games! I don’t take myself too seriously. I make silly voices. I laugh with the kids (a lot). I have dance party brain breaks. I admit I don’t know everything, but I will search until I find the answer. I’m the biggest and loudest cheerleader when your kids' confidence in math or reading begins to soar. Half the battle is believing in ourselves and I will go to all lengths to complete that goal. My ultimate happiness comes from the success your kids will have after attending classes at FFF. After all, learning should be FUN and that’s our objective at Fiction, Facts and FUN! Come learn with me!
Can't wait to see you all soon,
Ms. Tina